Due to many years of experience in the Automotive field, Primex Plastics Private Ltd are well known Insert Molded Components Suppliers in Bangalore. Plastic injection insert molding is a plastic injection molding process in which plastic material is molded around an insert piece placed in the plastic injection molding cavity. Insert molding is a specialized type of injection molding which combines different materials into a single finished part.

Why Use Insert Molding?

Insert Molding reduces the post-molding assembly required with separate metal elements, which can be costly. It enable designers to add features into plastic parts which will make them stronger, more durable, and more reliable than native plastic areas.

It is useful in metal conversion to plastic where it is more efficient than metal . There is increasing demand across industries to produce parts in plastic. Named as best Insert Molded Components Suppliers in India.

Applications of Insert Molding

Some of the Insert Molded Components Applications are:

  • Medical devices and instruments, such as needle hubs and tube valves
  • Equipped with adequate inspection facilities.
  • Knobs for appliances, controls and assemblies
  • Encapsulated electronic devices and electrical components
  • Military equipment
  • Encapsulated bushings, tubes, studs and posted
  • Contact Primex Plastics Private Ltd, the custom injection molding and insert molding experts, for a solution that gives you a real competitive edge.

Related Links : Injection Molding Machines in Bangalore
Insert Molded Components Suppliers
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